Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences
Data ERP Sys (DES) provides SAP S/4HANA for Pharmaceutical Industry. Contact us to get SAP Support for Pharmaceutical Industry and SAP Solutions that increase the productivity of the employees and to respond easily to market demands.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceuticals and life science industries research and produce market drugs used as medicines for patients. Health care industries have to concentrate on the effective manufacturing of drugs to maintain a patient’s health correctly. SAP software system delivers a distinct solution for the production of drugs in an automated approach. Economy management of pharmaceuticals effectively done through an integrated software package.
Business entities from finance, accounting, sales, and production to customer relationship are taken care of under a single structure. Medications are produced in accordance with the rules and regulations of the government. Implementation of SAP gives effective planning to increase production.
In Todays’ industry environment, every pharmaceutical business follows a diverse regulation set, regulated by various agencies such as FDA, Drug Council, and EPA Our solutions address these statutory, regulatory, governance & compliance management.
Complete Solution
Data ERP System provides you with a flawless system which covers all the business operations in a single software. It’s not software that we provide but a solution that helps you with improving the way you work on a daily basis. The solution from DES offers you ease to handle every nook and cranny of your business.
Add Ons
With a library of add-ons that suit your business, DES in-house development experts have created add-ons that you can use with your stock SAP S/4 HANA simplify your business needs. The add-ons will help you streamline the processes like sales & CRM, inventory management, manufacturing processes, HR planning and report generation
Demand Based Production
Data ERP System DBP Package includes It simply means finding a solution for the currently prevailing disease in the environment upon which various aspects are processed to deliver timely service to patients. with relatively simple products and routing steps, a finite capacity group planning principle based on a planning wheel driven by relative priorities.
Although the stock experience of SAP S/4 HANA is awesome, we customize the system according to your business needs. Let it be any requirement and scenario, DES will customize the system accordingly. We make the solution so flexible for you that you will feel that you are using a whole new system just made for your business.
Support & Training
At DES We provide live support to each of our customers. To make the use of SAP Business ERP system in your business, we also provide training to your employees and stakeholders. We have a dedicated team of experts that helps you with necessary support and training you will be needing to operate the systems easily.
Need ERP Pharmaceutical Solution ?
The most important factor of success is Compliance. SAP S/4 HANA implementation from Data ERP Sys (DES) enhances your business from the root itself. Streamline your management, automize your production, maintain stock, and do more with DES. Call us to discuss how we can customize your ERP requirements today!
- SAP Software system adopted by industrial users is given the privilege to change options as per their requirements.
- Automated system recognizes vendors to store full usable database in a centralized framework leading to knowledge awareness.
- Since pharmaceutical products are very sensitive you can receive lifetime notifications / alerts when the raw materials and inventories come to an expiry date.
- Facilitate seamless & integrated Sales, Service & Contract Processes
- Management, with embedded Transportation module for tracking, 3PL connections & drop shipment capabilities
- Notifications/alerts sent when raw materials and inventories reach expiry date since pharma products are very much concerned with lifetime.
- Accounting entity of industry from payments amount spent on production, raw materials, to amounts receivable business transactions are clearly maintained within the single system.
- Scheduling of production process made through our solution. Routine management allows stipulated users to give out medicines in a distinct approach.
- Ordering till delivery of products is monitored in order to distribute products to the right consumer at the right timing.
- Expenses spent on process production get noted with our package. Info required will be obtained via a single click option allowing to figure out financial statements within a moment.
Why choose us ?
In the production and manufacturing business field, where we have abundant references based on our know-how and strengths as a manufacturer, we will provide customers with the latest SAP manufacturing solutions by “Knowledge of manufacturing processes” which we have acquired through many years of experience and SAP Co-Creation.
W buils you Application with SAP S/4 HANA helps to follow Goods Manufacturing Practice in order to produce products with maintaining/measuring specified quality standards minimizing risks involved.
Every individual inventory of the manufacturing sector is noted 24/7 in such a way it gives alerts on its quality and expiry through continuous monitoring so that wastage is avoided.
Most Pharmaceutical industries are concerned mainly with its time period. It gives alerts and notifications to concerned representatives when a product meets expiry duration.
Human intervention on operating is totally minimized by using our premium SAP automated solution. It looks after end to end methodology saving time and efforts on decision making.
Materials and employees can be greatly utilized to increase efficiency. On-time job completion gets accomplished reducing material wastage thereby driving more profit to concern.
Since the stage-wise production process is determined, it enhances the quality of products produced. From acquiring raw materials to production, quality checks are involved through SAP B1.
At DES our BMR reports are generated over the predefined time period for stage wise production process. This information helps to reduce manual effort in the updating process.
Get in Touch with One of the Best Pharmaceutical Industry ERP Solutions
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